Monday, August 31, 2009

A faster way to crack hashes with a rainbow table

Hi everybody, it's been a long and busy time. however i still found some time to develop to this wonderfull extent. Here's the situation:
I have a 20GB table and 120,000 hashes in a file. To parse all those hashes through the table used to take about one week 24/7. Now however it takes only 10 mins at most!! To generate a table i downloaded mil-dic and created a stat file in john then used the markov to generate a 12GB wordlist. Then used to generate the 20GB table. Split the table into a lot of pices and lookup through the pices.
The advantage?
I know which part of the table to search! not the whole table like it used to :)
The tool can be downloaded from


  1. hello, are you planing to include salt sha ?

  2. not really but thanks for the idea. i'll try and add it soon as possible. but i can't promise it to come out with the third version this week. maybe the next.
    thanks for the idea
